Please nOTe that I aM GARANG, I am HARSH, I am whAtEVEr you want to call me.
I have warned you and told you earlier to stay away or not trying to do something S****d
but If you ignoReD thAt wArning,
You Got That!
When you are hurt or upset don't blame me. Yes I know I can change and I know how to be softer or gentle, but don't you ever dare try to push me because you are going to get it from me.
So listen to this,
You want to be my friend, you have to bear in mind that I am like this.
I can be better, but you have to get to know me better first. Ive had enough of all the
Sh***y things before so I am putting up this barrier so that I don't have to go through it again.
Feel me?!
Nabil, u ok? what happened?