Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sabar Sabar

Breathe in Breathe out....

First week of 2012 and I am already this stressful? That is not a good sign, is it?

Well, spoke to my friends about it... Told them that I cannot take it anymore.

Prior to this, spoken to parents also. They were not that keen to allow me to stop.

But you know what's the best thing of having these 2 groups of people I love so much, around me?
They managed to convince me to stay.

Alhamdulillah, now I have the strength to go on. This is just another test. That is what I will keep telling myself.

I'm still new. How to expect myself to know a lot? I will buck up that is for sure. I will work harder. I will have aims to keep me going.

You know why? Because Nabil Nazrin do not give up that easy until he really cannot go on with it.

Thanks to my friends and my family for all your support.

p/s - look for friends who will be with you through thick and thin and not only when you are at the top.


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